1) Pakistan is divided into how many Physiographical Divisions ?
2) What is the total area of Pakistan (Excluding azad jammu and kashmir ).
3) What is the total area of Pakistan is sq miles ?
4) What is the total Area of Azad Kashmir ?
5) In which side of sub-continent Pakistan is situated ?
6) Pakistan lies between the latitudes _____________ .
7) Pakistan lies between the Longitudes ______-.
8) In which year boundary agreement was signed between Pakistan and China ?
9) Name the Area which separates Pakistan from Tajikistan (Central Asian States ).
10) Area of Wakhan is under the control of ?
11) The Climate of Pakistan is Mostly _____.
12) Which of the following is the feature of Pakistan Environment ?
13) When we say that the climate of Balochistan plateau is extreme what do we mean ?
14) Climate has a deep impact on _________ .
15) What is the minimum and maximum average of January temperature in the plains of Pakistan ?
16) What is the minimum and maximum temperature of June and July in the plains of Pakistan ?
17) In which region the areas of Murree and Hunza fall ?
18) The important elements of climate are ____________ .
19) Pakistan has how many Seasons ?
20) Monsoon season in Pakistan starts in July and ends in
21) The border agreement between Pakistan and India on Runn and Kuchh was signed in ________ .
22) Runn off Kuchh boundary is known as _________ .
23) When cease-line fire came into existence ?
24) In which year line of control came to existence ?
25) What is the total length of Pak China border ?
26) What is the total length of Pak-Afghan border ?
27) What is the total length of Pak-Iran border ?
28) What is the total length of Pak-India border ?
29) Which is the highest peak of Pakistan ?
30) K-2 is also known as
31) Which is the youngest mountain range on the earth?
32) K-2 is present in which mountains range ?
33) Nanga Parbat is the part of
34) Which range is called roof of the world ?
35) Name the Pass which connects Abbotabad and Gilgit ___________.
36) Name the Pass which connects DIR with Kohistan district ____________ .
37) Which is the highest Pass in Pakistan , an ancient trading route between Kashmir and China Situated at the height of 5575 meters ?
38) Name the Pass which connects Sindh Plain with Quetta ________.
39) Name the Pass which connects Chitral with Wakhan ________.
40) In which province of the Pakistan there is no desert ?
41) In which Province the desert Kharan is situated ?
42) How many desert are there in Punjab ?
43) In which Province the desert of Thal lies ?
44) In which Province the desert of Thar lies ?
45) How much Area of Mountain region is covered by glaciers Pakistan ?
46) In Pakistan the Glaciers covers the Area of __________.
47) Which of the following Glaciers are present in Karakoram mountain range ?
48) In which Valley Lalusar lake is situated ?
49) Which lake is located near Thata Sindh .
50) Where Jehlum and Chenab rivers meat ?